7-Días · Costa del Pacífico, Ecuador

Enero / 2025

10 Personas Max


Experimenta una nueva sensación de claridad y bienestar. Rompe la membrana y recibe la sabiduría para crear tu yo evolucionado, en un lugar seguro, guiado por personal médico compasivo y profesional con respeto a las tradiciones nativas ancestrales con una medicina natural de alta calidad.

Embárcate en un de viaje transformación. Vive la experiencia ceremonial ancestral con Ayahuasca Cruda, exclusiva de la tradición Amazónica Cofán.
¿Qué es?

Esta receta milenaria ha sido utilizada desde tiempos inmemoriales por las comunidades aisladas del Putumayo amazónico. Los mayores lo aplican para entrenar a sus curanderos en el arte del chamanismo, sanar el cuerpo y despertar la conciencia. Hasta hace no muchos años, esta receta se mantenía oculta con recelo. La exclusiva forma de preparación permite al usuario acceder al espacio sagrado de las visiones sin sufrir los estragos físicos de diarrea y vómitos que genera la receta de Ayahuasca Cocida. Eso permite una comprensión y un despertar más profundos sin luchas físicas ni distracciones.


Iniciar este viaje hacia el interior de uno es un proceso fascinante y desafiante a la vez, lo sabemos, hemos estado allí. Cuentas con nosotros en cada etapa del proceso. Sentimos un profundo respeto por tí y tu búsqueda y nos honra sostener este espacio sagrado para que su ser se manifieste.


We are 100% committed to providing everything offered here. However, the order of the activities as shown in this itinerary may vary according to the requirement and the indications of the professionals providing oversight of the event.


Medical experts · Community of care · Real results

Dr. Johnathan Flores

Licensed Physician, Homeopathic Doctor, and Expert in Psychedelic Guided Therapy - Host

Physician. Homeopath. Shaman. Addiction therapist. Music therapist. Neural Therapist. He also comes from a tradition of healers by indigenous family lineage. Working with Ancestral Medicine for over 17 years. Founder of  CET Method. Co-Founder and Clinical Director at Nina Wasi Ancestral Medicine Clinic. Advisory Board Member at Dimensions Health Center, Canada. Practitioner of TAO and martial arts. Dad. Family man.

Dr. Monnica Williams, Ph.D

Partner, organizer and frequent co-host for this workshop retreat series.

Board-certified, licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapies and approaches focused on human connection. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair in Mental Health Disparities, and Director of the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities. She is also the Clinical Director of the Behavioral Wellness Clinic, LLC in Tolland, Connecticut, and she has founded clinics in Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Mother of five.

Sofía Vizziano

Integrative Nutrition and Facilitator - Hostess

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN). Holistic cook (Crudo Studio, Argentina). Co-Founder at Nina Wasi Ancestral Medicine Clinic. Ancestral Practices and Plant Medicine Advocate. Specialist in creative communication and development of wellness projects. TAO and martial arts practitioner. Mother. Family woman.


Medical experts · Community of care · Real results

Dr. Johnathan Flores

Licensed Physician, Homeopathic Doctor, and Expert in Psychedelic Guided Therapy - Host

Physician. Homeopath. Shaman. Addiction therapist. Music therapist. Neural Therapist. He also comes from a tradition of healers by indigenous family lineage. Working with Ancestral Medicine for over 17 years. Founder of  CET Method. Co-Founder and Clinical Director at Nina Wasi Ancestral Medicine Clinic. Advisory Board Member at Dimensions Health Center, Canada. Practitioner of TAO and martial arts. Dad. Family man.

Dr. Monnica Williams, Ph.D

Partner, organizer and frequent co-host for this workshop retreat series.

Board-certified, licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapies and approaches focused on human connection. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair in Mental Health Disparities, and Director of the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities. She is also the Clinical Director of the Behavioral Wellness Clinic, LLC in Tolland, Connecticut, and she has founded clinics in Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Mother of five.

Sofía Vizziano

Integrative Nutrition and Facilitator - Hostess

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN). Holistic cook (Crudo Studio, Argentina). Co-Founder at Nina Wasi Ancestral Medicine Clinic. Ancestral Practices and Plant Medicine Advocate. Specialist in creative communication and development of wellness projects. TAO and martial arts practitioner. Mother. Family woman.

The time is now. Take a step toward the life you love.


The retreat house is located in Olón, at the Ecuadorian Pacific Shore.

Our suites offer spacious and beautiful accommodations for a single guest (if available) or up to 2 guests or a couple per room. You can book with a friend, or you will be assigned a roommate if booking as a single passenger on the double share option.

Each room has an en-suite bathroom with a private shower, daily housekeeping service, laundry (by request), and fresh towels. Guest services are available from 7 am – 11 pm daily. 

Each room has an imposing view of the Pacific Ocean or the exuberant vegetation of the Ecuadorian tropical forest.

Get to know more about Olón Town, Ecuadorian Pacific Shore.


You will enjoy healthy Ecuadorian and international dishes prepared on-site with fresh and local ingredients 100% gluten-free and mostly organic.

All meals are designed to be in harmony with your Ancestral Medicine process.

The whole menu is specially designed by the hand of  Sofía Vizziano, HC. Our Ancestral Cook and specialist in Integrative Nutrition.

• Organic • Dairy-free • Gluten-free • Vegetarian •  Vegan • Carnivore •

We´ll keep you posted

Drop your contact info here. We´ll let you know about the unique launch benefit for the 2023 event. 

Cost & Payment

6800 $
  • 9 Days Lodging on Exclusive location
  • 3 Plant Medicine Ceremony
  • On-site integration circles
  • Tai Chi Stretching Exercises
  • Outdoor integration day
  • Accountability- Journaling + Tasks
  • Three meals a day
  • Transportation (Airport + Tours)
  • Phone and Screen Device Detox
  • Holistic Organic Cuisine

Financial support is available!


The following requirements are the only exclusions, with no exceptions:

If you find yourself in any of these situations you will not be able to attend the event.

*If you are under Psychiatric Medication Treatment you should let us know, before pay your booking.


The following requirements are the only exclusions, with no exceptions:

If you find yourself in any of these situations you will not be able to attend the event.

*If you are under Psychiatric Medication Treatment you should let us know, before pay your booking.


You should let us know if you are currently on medication before booking you spot. If you are currently taking psychiatric medication, it will be necessary for you to see your treating physician in order to establish a detoxification and medication cessation plan 2 weeks before the event.

You may also elect to have a virtual medical consultation in advance with Dr. Flores for an additional fee to ensure you are a good candidate for the plant medicines.

You can access the exclusive benefit of enjoying a private single room just for you, with no extra cost if you book now, before August 31 of 2022 or until available reservations are exhausted.  

You have two options:

· Bank Wire to Ecuador (May require transaction fees)

· Credit Card (May require transaction fees)

Deposit are non refundable, should you not be able to make it we will happily accommodate you for the next available retreat date. Please, take your time to read carefully our Terms & Conditions + Privacy Policies before decide to come. 

 If the event is canceled due to COVID or force majeure situations it will be rescheduled automatically for the next event on 2023.


Once you save your spot at the Program you will receive a complete guide with detailed information about: Travel and Health Insurance / Border Protocols in Ecuador / Legal & Medical Form / Essentials for a comfortable stay / Baggage Tips. 

Do you still have questions?

Contact us. We will be happy to hear from you.

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