
Olón is a small fishing village located on the Ruta del Spondylus, on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. 5 minutes from the world-famous Montañita surf spot. Despite its short distance from this hot spot destination, Olón offers rest, peace, and nature in a family and quiet environment. Here visitors can find all kinds of outdoor activities, which allow you to connect with the exuberant nature typical of the foothills of the Andean mountain range.

Although its climate is notoriously divided into the rainy season (From June to December) and the sunny season (From January to May), Olón offers fun throughout the year.

You can find horseback riding through the humid forest on the way to the mountain, surf lessons in a friendly ocean, sand walks, magical sunsets, paragliding, biking, hiking, and a wide gastronomic variety in the heart of its picturesque and friendly town.
Podrás encontrar cabalgatas por el bosque húmedo camino a la montaña, clases de surf en un océano amigable, caminatas por la arena, atardeceres mágico, vuelo en parapente, biking, hiking y una amplia variedad gastronómica en el corazón de su pueblo pintorezco y amable.

These characteristics make it the ideal place to live your deepening and harmonization process with Ancestral Medicine.

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