transformative sessions

Whether you want to meet the Master Plants or start your process online, this session is the first step. After this first instance, you will already feel that something has healed in you.

Release Stuck Emotions

Allow your feelings to be expressed in a safe and contained space.

See Clearly

And recognize the steps to take to overcome what is holding you back.

Recognize Your Patterns

Stop going in circles and start living a conscious, awake life.

Move to the next level

Take charge of your life and regain your natural power.


These sessions are an essential part of the CET® Method. Every session is a therapeutic meeting with Dr. Johnathan Flores. In each instance, you will receive tools and practices for daily observations about yourself and what surrounds you. You will work with Dr. Flores in the next session.

From the first session, you will get clear answers about what you need to work on to overcome what is happening to you and how many sessions it will take you to solve it. 

These sessions are also part of our On-site Therapeutic Programs.


90 min



Online Comprehensive Programs

Personal Sessions

Receive the clarity and instruction to take control of your life definitively.

Couple Coaching

Learn to communicate with love, free yourself from toxic inheritances and create a new model of a healthy couple.

Family Therapy

Rebuild ties with your loved ones and restore peace at home.

Real results


"Every step we take takes us somewhere. let's walk wisely."
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