Terms and Conditions

Privacy policies

The general terms and conditions established below regulate the use of the content and services provided by NINAWASI S.A.S. advertised on the web portal called www.ninawasi.com Once the User enters the web portal, he decides to use the services, products, content, and other materials and accepts all the conditions mentioned below.

NINAWASI S.A.S. is a company that was created to provide its clients with comprehensive and excellent service. For this reason, it is sought that through its web portal, those who require medical attention, ancestral and alternative medicine, psychological, spiritual, and comprehensive nutrition can have access to the information of the different online programs and face-to-face healing retreats and group therapies and individual sessions, to advance along a path of wholeness well-being. 

Although it is a complete program, which includes food, accommodation within the NINA WASI amenities, exercises, and spiritual ceremonies, where ancestral medicine is used, it is essential to know that this program may not meet the needs of everyone. If the User requires more information about the activities that will be carried out within the retreats, they must contact the doctors, guides, and therapists directly before starting each activity. 

Through all the programs designed by the team that makes up NINAWASI S.A.S., an alignment and connection of the body, mind, emotions, and the spiritual plane are sought.

NINA WASI reserves the right to modify or add new conditions to this document without prior notification, which will be incorporated immediately, become effective once included, and apply to all Users. However, to everyone who has included their information on the Website or as basic information on the programs, the new text will be sent with the updated conditions so that they can be informed by email as indicated by the Law. 

Information and Services.

The use of the information on the web portal in other information resources is allowed with the prior authorization of NINAWASI S.A.S., provided that the authorship of the same is acknowledged. The User who contravenes must be subject to the administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions established by the Law on intellectual property rights at the national and international levels.

The User also accepts and acknowledges that NINAWASI S.A.S. is not responsible for any claim, loss, or damage (direct or indirect) derived or related to the use or reliability of the contents of its web portal, except in cases in which Law covers the responsibility.

NINAWASI S.A.S. may modify, update and delete content from the web portal without prior notice to its Users, but is not responsible for the information or data entered on the Website by third parties.

The User accepts that it is solely their responsibility not to be able to access or be delayed in the previously canceled and contracted programs; and, therefore, exempts NINAWASI S.A.S., its doctors, collaborators, and logistics teams from any responsibility for not being able to attend or be late for any of the programs taught by NINAWASI S.A.S. 

The User assumes the responsibility and obligations concerning any decision, advice, conclusion, and recommendation made or given as a result of attending the programs and using the services within the complex of NINAWASI S.A.S. Users accept all responsibility and risk for the use of services and assistance to programs provided by NINAWASI S.A.S. 

NINAWASI S.A.S. does not guarantee that Users will achieve any particular result when using the techniques taught by NINAWASI S.A.S. in their programs. The programs, workshops, sessions, ceremonies, and any other event or service carried out within the programs of NINAWASI S.A.S., will be carried out with the knowledge of experts and professionals. However, they are very personal procedures, so they cannot guarantee or assume any responsibility for the results of your actions and any harm or damage you suffer from the use or non-use of the information available on this Website, material, sessions, retreats, workshops.

The User must use judgment and act with due diligence before taking action or implementing any program or practice suggested or recommended in this Website, material, sessions, retreats, or workshops.

NINA WAS S.A.S. NINAWASI S.A.S. does not guarantee the results of the information applied on this Website, material, sessions, programs, retreats, and workshops. Although NINAWASI S.A.S. is an authorized Ecuadorian ancestral medicine clinic, the success or failure of each program will be the individual result of your efforts, particularly physical and emotional situation and other circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of the staff and professionals within. 

Assistance with rescheduling programs and policies. 

NINAWASI S.A.S. has a strict policy of attendance when all its workshops, events, and sessions, whether online or face-to-face, have been scheduled. If a session has been scheduled and the User does not show up (without 48 hours advance notice), they will automatically lose the session, with no option for refund and rescheduling. In case you have notified the staff of NINAWASI S.A.S. 48 hours in advance, there is only the option of rescheduling the sessions. In the case of face-to-face programs, NINAWASI S.A.S. will inform you of the availability of rescheduling assistance for the programs. 

Time zone changes are not a valid excuse for not attending programs and sessions based on the details provided to you when scheduling. The professional staff of NINAWASI S.A.S. will wait 10 minutes after the scheduled time for Users to show up. If it has not connected, the User loses the session. In case of notifying in advance that the User will arrive late, the agenda of the professionals of NINAWASI S.A.S. must be reviewed to verify if they have availability since many have their full agenda months in advance. 

Privacy and confidentiality.

NINAWASI S.A.S. considers a fundamental objective to guarantee and protect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of its Users, following current legislation.

The User can freely navigate the web portal and enter information, as long as he/she is of legal age or is supervised by an adult or legal representative; however, to access some specific services of this Website, you must register personal information, and the User voluntarily decides whether to carry out the process or not. If you continue with the process, the User declares that all the information entered due to the web services offered by NINAWASI S.A.S. are authentic. Therefore, it releases NINAWASI S.A.S. from any responsibility. Regarding their veracity.

Any communication or material that the User transmits to NINAWASI S.A.S. through its tools, face-to-face and online sessions, email, chats, forums, or any other way, including any question, comment, or suggestion, is and will be treated as non-confidential and the User will assume sole responsibility for it. On the contrary, any other data of a personal and health nature (name, age, address, telephone, identity card, medical and sensitive data) that the User provides for the use of the services and contents in the programs, as well as All information provided within the sessions or information required to start a program, are confidential and under no circumstances will they be delivered to third parties for commercial purposes or of a similar nature unless there is an express authorization from the owner or a competent authority requires them.

Links from this web portal to third parties.

The web portal may contain links to pages/websites/social networks outside NINAWASI SAS that contribute to providing information, updating, and training to its Users. However, NINAWASI SAS will not be responsible for the information, availability of the same, nor the policies or practices of said links on the web portal. The links on the Web portal are subjected to a rigorous quality evaluation so that there are always reliable Web pages, notwithstanding that they are not the responsibility of NINAWASI S.A.S. but their owners and authors.

Intellectual Property Rights.

The Intellectual Property Rights of any material, including texts, photographs, videos, sounds, and others, are the property of NINAWASI S.A.S. Thus, all intellectual property rights are reserved on the contents of its authorship and on those that are assigned to it. If there are texts, photographs, videos, and others belonging to third parties, then this will be duly specified and respected by the Users and by NINAWASI S.A.S. 

Payments and means of payment.

The programs and services to be contracted by the Users are subject to the payment of a price or rate that the Website informs for this purpose, which does not impose taxes since they are medical services. The exchange will be made at the official exchange rate if any programs and services are contracted with a currency other than the U.S. Dollar. All programs must be canceled in advance for a clear demonstration of people's commitment to the process since doing deep physical and spiritual work can become an intense and transformative experience, which could be somewhat intense for the User. 

NINAWASI S.A.S has a strict NO REFUND policy in all its offered services. By making and confirming a purchase and reservation with payment, the client automatically accepts this strict non-refund policy. As mentioned above, the process can be intense, and it is recommended that users always finish the process. However, they can leave it at any time without a refund.  

In scenarios of fortuitous cases or force majeure, which makes it impossible for the person to continue or complete and attend the contracted programs: the reservation may be temporarily suspended for a certain period (decided by NINAWASI S.A.S) and restarted at a later date when it is more convenient for the User to attend. NINAWASI S.A.S. will always try to accommodate its Users so they can attend the contracted programs. 

Reservation or program contract payments can be made in cash, bank transfer, or through the Website, through the payment button system, with bank credit or debit cards associated with the payment button. In any case, proof of payment must be sent to NINAWASI S.A.S. to reserve the space or the desired program. 

The use of bank cards associated with the payment button solution is subject to the existing contract between the User and the corresponding issuing bank, so all aspects related to their use will be governed by the respective applicable contracts. As a consequence of the preceding, NINAWASI S.A.S. will not be responsible for any circumstance arising from using such cards.

The operation and use of the WeTravel Ink payment button system is the sole responsibility of WeTravel Ink with which NINAWASI S.A.S. does not assume any responsibility as a result of the use of the said system.

The User undertakes to pay unconditionally without protest to the Issuer of the credit card the total of the values expressed in the Charge Order Authorization in the counterclaimed place and date. In case of default, I will pay the maximum rate authorized by the Issuer of the credit card and the fees established by this institution for managing the overdue portfolio.

I exempt the credit card issuer from any responsibility for the values reported by NINAWASI S.A.S. For which I already renounce any claim and initiate any legal action against the indicated Institutions, the same ones that will not require another instrument or document to process the values generated on my credit card, the same ones that I already accept. Furthermore, I recognize it as an obligation.

In the same way, I authorize that in case of loss, theft, robbery, or any circumstance for which the number of the credit card previously singled out is changed, I have the new number assigned to me to make all payments unconditionally within of the corresponding period, in such a way that the change of the indicated number is not a cause for not paying the amounts owed.

To the group or group membership. In case of having a group membership with monthly payments or a recurring payment plan, it is the User's responsibility to cancel the recurring payment plan in case they no longer want to continue with the said plan or communicate to NINAWASI S.A.S. that they no longer want to belong. Once a recurring payment has been made, the User cannot be refunded. The User automatically accepts this policy by making and confirming any subscription plan.

Additionally, I freely and voluntarily declare that the promotions or services requested by the company NINAWASI S.A.S. protect goods of legal origin and are not linked to drug trafficking, money laundering, or terrorist financing activities. I also declare that the funds with which the premium for this insurance will be paid have a legal origin and no relation to the abovementioned activities.

During the term of the relationship with the company, I agree to provide the documentation and information requested. I declare that the information contained in this form is accurate and complete and provides the information in a reliable and up-to-date manner; In addition, I declare to know and accept that I must update my data annually, as well as to immediately communicate and document to NINAWASI S.A.S., any change in the information that I have provided. NINAWASI S.A.S. reserves the right to remove any User who has provided false information that goes against morality and good customs. 

I accept and certify that I am aware of the promotions or contracted services and that I have carefully read the terms and conditions to be applied, which I accept freely and voluntarily. Likewise, I ratify my willingness to submit to the arbitration clause contained in this AgreementAgreement for the use of electronic means.

Note: in the event of any discrepancy between the general conditions of this contract and the conditions of the promotions, the services contracted through the web portal and any other service by electronic means offered by NINAWASI S.A.S., especially its arbitration clause and this document, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The validity of this document begins upon receipt and acceptance of this request by NINAWASI S.A.S, who reserves the right to initiate actions in case of verification of fraudulent use of the information delivered and transmitted through the use of the electronic services offered. by NINAWASI S.A.S, on its web site.

Agreement of responsibility for the use of electronic media.

The User, through the subscription of this AgreementAgreement, declares to be interested in using the established virtual and face-to-face mechanisms, such as, but not limited to, email, SMS messages, mobile applications, social networks, and the web portal, for which expresses its willingness to preferentially use the means of notifications through the Internet, in the personal mailbox of the email provided and granting its consent for it.

The User knows and expressly accepts that the subscription of this AgreementAgreement does not prevent NINAWASI S.A.S. when the circumstances require, notify the User by the other means established by Law or in this AgreementAgreement. The electronic notification of electronic and telematic means of NINAWASI S.A.S, mentioned in this AgreementAgreement, implies the act by which the company informs the User of the billing content, credit notes (if applicable), retentions (if applicable), laboratory test results, promotions and advertising, subscription, renewal, maintenance, payment, and services. Said data message is understood as all information created, generated, processed, sent, received, communicated, or archived by electronic means, which can be exchanged by any means and that the User declares to know, read, understand, and accept.


The parties submit the resolution of all disputes arising from this Agreement, including its interpretation, application and compliance, damages, and non-pecuniary damage, to arbitration managed by the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Quito and in the case of natural persons are submitted to Civil Judges of the Metropolitan District of Quito. 

The parties may freely use and counterclaim exclusively on the same matter. The arbitral tribunal will be composed of an arbitrator, and the arbitration will be legal and confidential. The court is empowered to execute precautionary measures requesting public officials' assistance without going to any ordinary judge.

The parties indicate their addresses for all summonses and notifications related to the arbitration, which appear in this document.


I declare that I am aware of the provisions of article 2 of the Law on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signatures and Data Messages, which states: "Legal Recognition of data messages. - Data messages will have the same legal value as written documents. Its effectiveness, assessment, and effects will be subject to the provisions of this Law and its regulations." Therefore, I sign this instrument by agreeing and since this Agreement safeguards my interests, accepting its terms and conditions, having been informed in a clear, precise, and satisfactory manner about the equipment and programs that I require to access the records or messages, under the provisions of article 48 of the Law on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signatures and Data Messages.

Signing this Agreement implies the acceptance of all the established provisions, which are understood to be incorporated into this text. The terms and conditions are subject to the provisions contained in the Electronic Commerce Law, electronic signatures and data messages, and the commercial and prepaid medicine regulations in Ecuador.

The User accepts the validity of this Agreement, the User password provided, and the notifications sent to NINAWASI S.A.S using the electronic systems or means that NINAWASI S.A.S makes available to them.

The User signs this Agreement on his initiative and voluntarily submits to what is stipulated here.

Restriction of liability of NINAWASI S.A.S.

NINAWASI S.A.S will not be responsible for the losses or damages suffered by the User due to technical failures under its responsibility nor for the damages and losses that are made within the NINAWASI S.A.S. NINAWASI S.A.S is not responsible for the accuracy, veracity, content or for any error in the information provided by the User, whether it is a human or technological error.

The User must immediately notify NINAWASI S.A.S of any change in the information provided. If the User does not communicate the change or update the information in the update campaigns carried out by NINAWASI SAS, it will be understood that the email address, digital data, personal data, and other personal data are valid. Therefore, The User accepts the validity of the notifications made by these electronic means to him.


This Agreement of responsibility and use of electronic means will last indefinitely unless the User expresses his will to terminate it, notifying the individual at least 30 days before the desired termination date. Notwithstanding the preceding, NINAWASI S.A.S may terminate this Agreement at any time, notifying the User at least 30 days before the desired termination date.


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